The South Seas Aviation, is a family company, concerned about the professional and personal growth of those who work there.
As this is a company in reformulation in an attempt to improve on all aspects, it is a full house of opportunities for those who know how to take advantage of.


Joe is Portuguese, born in Cape Verde, arrived in the United States in 1971, becoming an American citizen.
He studied accounting and began his professional life working New York State. Most of the time, worked on VARIG, initially in New York, after being transferred to Miami, where he developed its activities in Accounting.
Is working in the South Seas Aviation since March 2014, where in addition to his sales activity, he is also trained and performs the activity of Internal Quality Auditor.


Nathassia is a Brazilian-American. Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil and lives in the United States since the age of three.
Part of the workforce of the Company since 2011, having spent the majority in the Company’s sectors. She is fully prepared to help our customers with any questions.
In addition to the customer service management, she is responsible for the Company’s purchasing and, is trained and acts as a Quality Internal Auditor.


Naira was born in Sunrise, Florida. Today attends college, at the University of Florida, preparing to be a future lawyer.
She loves to learn and learns quickly at ease.
She studies every day, sometimes all day/ and has very little time to dedicate to the art of selling aerospace material. But the short time she has with learning activities, she complete her wash with dedication and competence.


Eliane is Brazilian-American from Santos- Brazil. She has being leaving in the United States since 1991. She speaks three languages including Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
She has extensive experience is Costumer Service Management and Human Resources recently have join our team at South Seas Aviation. Eliane has worked at TAM Airlines as a customer service manager for 6 years.
Graduated in Psychology and current completing a Master’s degree also in Psychology, gives her an additional background besides her experience to assist our customer with possible questions and concerns.


Alexandre is Brazilian, born in Sao Paulo, graduated in Science of religion and Administration. Worked Maintenance Technician in aeronautical systems on VARIG and subsequently acts in the area of industrial coding as National Distribution Manager. In SSA, Alexander is in charge of the development of the Company’s Business in South America.


Augusto studied Accounting and worked on VARIG for many years, where he specialized in Administration materials and developed the taste for informatics. Provided advice in the area for several Companies in the aerospace industry.
In South Seas Aviation is responsible for the maintenance and development of the computer system of the Company, which is made all the control of material movement and inventory, as well as updating inventory in advertising.
Living in Brazil, where performs its activity.
The Office
SSA has its head office located in the City of Sunrise, allowing you easy and fast access to major airports in the region.
To the east, the 21 miles is the Fort lauderdale Hollywood International Airport. To the south, 50 miles from Miami International Airport.
North, 49.3 miles from Palm Beach International Airport